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Department of Transport Engineering

The academic employees of the Department of Transport Engineering carried out studies activities and research innovation activities in the fields of transport and aeronautics, mechanics, energy in transport, and the research and development of new materials for vehicles. The Department of Transport Engineering is the organizer of the annual international scientific conference “Transport Means”.

Field of research: Transport Engineering. Fields of study: Transport Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering.

Academic employees of Department Transport Engineering research activities carried out in Transport Engineering research group.

The R&D themes to be developed:

– Umanned Platforms (Sea, Air, Land)*

– Clean and Sustainable, Safe Transport*

– Sustainable Mobility Transport Systems

– Behaviour of Vechile Structures

– Defence Technologies

*- strategic R&D theme

Academic employees of the Department of Transport Engineering are science laureates:

– prof. habil. dr. Algimanras Fedaravičius was awarded by Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas in 2022.

– lecturer, PhD student Mindaugas Dagilis is the laureate of the 2022 Universities Students Research Works Competition organized by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

– assoc. prof. dr. Sigitas Kilikevičius with co-authors were awarded by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Kazimieras Simonavičius Nominal Prize in the field of Mechanical Science in 2021.

R&D&I works and services:

– dynamics and energy efficiency of alternative fuel vehicles, electric and hybrid vehicles, development of dynamic models and modelling;

– development and – modernization of alternative energy vehicles;

– application of third-generation algae-derived biofuels in internal combustion engines;

– development of models for mobility in the transport system, development of models for the interaction between the elements of the vehicle/driver/environment system;

– development and deployment of innovative engineering systems in transport/logistics processes;

 – development of intelligent transport systems/new mobility (unmanned) and communication technologies;

– based on ongoing research, problems in the development, research, and deployment of training missiles shall be solved;

– theoretical and experimental studies and computer modeling of the aerodynamic performance, internal and external ballistics of training missiles;

– on the basis of the research carried out, military training missile equipment is being developed for the training of soldiers serving in short- and medium-range air defense systems, as well as for the conduct of tactical exercises in range conditions;

– the missile training equipment allows for to reduce of the economic costs of training and tactical exercises, and increases the efficiency and safety of the training process;

– research into the design of support vehicles, in the areas of improving vehicle safety, reducing environmental impact, and saving energy;

– development and analysis of numerical models and computer programs to optimize vehicle load-bearing structures and movement parameters, assess environmental pollution, and improve vehicle reliability and comfort;

– development and deployment of internationally marketable advanced technologies and products that are resource-efficient and reduce environmental pollution and climate change.


Rasa Džiaugienė

Studentų st. 56, Kaunas

Department's personnel

Rolandas Makaras
Assoc. prof. dr. Rolandas Makaras

Head of Department

Studentų st. 56, Kaunas


Name/Surname Position E-mail
Prof. dr. Artūras Keršys Professor
Prof. dr. Vaidas Lukoševičius Professor 
Prof. dr. Laurencas Raslavičius Professor
Prof. dr. Sigitas Kilikevičius Professor

Doctoral students