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DesignThursdays #2 – Co-working space = office + community. How does it work?


DesignLibrary Kaunas invites to DesignThursdays #2 – Co-working space = office + community. How does it work?

Event is free. Register here:

The co-working idea is simple: independent professionals and those with flexible workplace work better together than they do alone. Co-working spaces are about community-building and sustainability. They also share the values of collaboration, openness, accessibility. Co-working offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home. Thus, co-workers are about creating better places to work and as a result, a better way to work.

We’ll talk apout:
• the principles of co-working and co-working spaces’ value in contemporary business and social cotext
• co-working in the fields of technology and IT – “Hub Vilnius”
• creative industries co-working space in Riga – “Darba Vieta”
• the future of co-working

The guests: 
Mindaugas Danys – social entrepreneur, startup mentor and the founder of Hub Vilnius.

Janis Milzarajs – Art Director at advertisement agency Milk, the professional of creative communication and the co-founder of ,,Darba Vieta”, co-working space in Riga.

Joshua O. Fayomi – KTU PhD student with a strong focus on innovative and sustainable enterprise management strategies.

Lorenzo Piazzi – the head of DesignLibrary Milano, the co-founder of DesignLibrary Kaunas and the moderator of the event.

Design Thursdays – the events organized by DesignLibrary Kaunas where creative, scientific and other interesting personalities and inovators are sharing the most actual information.

November 26 d., 2015 17:00

KTU Santaka Valley (K. Baršausko g. 59)

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