Investigation of 3D Printing Technologies Possibilities of Polymeric Matrix Composite Structures Reinforced with Continuous Carbon Fibres (3D-POLYCOM)

Project no.: PP32/1804

Project description:

The demand of new innovative products and technologies is growing rapidly with particular emphasis on new 3D composite printing technologies, the areas of these materials applications have recently been expanding. This project initiates studies in which properties of polymer composite structures reinforced with continuous carbon fibre will be investigated, adhesion between two or three 3D printed layers in composite structure will be evaluated. The composite structures with a polymer matrix are not new, but possibility to use 3D printing or manufacturing layer by layer technology makes usage of these materials wider. At present, 3D printing surveys of composite structures, especially valuable research about carbon fibre reinforced structures are at an early stage; materials production quality is not satisfactory, reliable methods for ensuring their quality control are not provided. The aim of the project is to identify and manage the quality parameters of composite materials produced by 3D printing technologies using computer micro tomography. Based on the received results, a new 3D print head design dedicated for high-quality structures printing will be created.

Project funding:

KTU R&D&I Fund

Period of project implementation: 2018-04-03 - 2018-12-31

Rūta Rimašauskienė

2018 - 2018

Department of Production Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design