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Community workshop with a guest from the Polytechnic University of Milan

Important | 2024-06-25

On the 19th of June KTU Design Centre D-LAB team invited members of the M-LAB Laboratory Centre to a community workshop moderated by Melania Vicentini, a spatial designer and a PhD student in the field of design at Politecnico di Milano.

Participants from D-LAB, Physiological Monitoring, Neuro LAB, Young LAB, Infrastructure Development laboratories and guests from LSMU University got to know each other’s projects and daily needs, and started to plan how they could make the new science centre a more comfortable, inspiring place for all, fulfilling their work-related and social expectations.

During the participatory session, a toolkit developed by Melania was tested to help create a sense of community and solidarity through the adaptation of spaces and the creation of new services.

Mokomasis renginys organizuojamas įgyvendinant projektą „Technologinių ir fizinių mokslų ekscelencijos centras (TiFEC)“ Nr. S-A-UEI-23-1 finansuoja Lietuvos mokslo taryba ir Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo, mokslo ir sporto ministerija valstybės biudžeto lėšomis pagal programą „Universitetų ekscelencijos iniciatyva“.