We can live having plastic waste around us, or we can live in houses made of plastic waste

CPIR | 2020-11-06

We can live having plastic waste around us or we can live in houses made of plastic waste. Norwegian startup Othalo has developed a patented technology that makes it possible to produce building elements from 100% recycled plastic. A 60 m2 Othalo house recycles 8 tonnes of plastic waste.


The possibilities for using the technology are many and Othalo’s initial focus will be on affordable houses. Nearly one billion people live in slums today, and in Sub Saharan Africa alone, the immediate need for low-cost housing is 160million units and is expected to increase to 360M by 2050 as a result of rapid urbanization. The UN, the World Bank, nation states and a number of other actors have the housing crisis high on their agenda. The challenge is that traditional construction methods are neither efficient, economical nor sufficiently sustainable to succeed. A technology that enables industrial upcycling of waste and mass production is essential to meet today’s urgent needs.

Official press release: here